Size: | Video Title | Date Posted to Server |
11,153 KB | YOUTUBE THE BIBLE IS HATE SPEECH!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:38 |
20,122 KB | YouTube No FREE SPEECH for Christians!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:49 |
17,630 KB | YouTube Censoring ONLY Christians!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:49 |
183,875 KB | YouTube CAUGHT Censoring INSIDE Christian Channels.mp4 | 05/24/2023 12:32 |
20,044 KB | YouTube Ban BACKFIRES!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 12:46 |
30,453 KB | You Cannot Buy or Sell in California!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 12:48 |
208,097 KB | Wow! God did that.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:01 |
53,871 KB | WOW! Dust Devil filled with burning Tumbleweeds!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:54 |
21,378 KB | WOW! Check out what Mark Zuckerberg did ON CAMERA.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:38 |
17,784 KB | Worshiping Hillary Clinton!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:00 |
43,470 KB | Wolves claim breaking Sunday Sabbath causes Calamities.mp4 | 05/24/2023 15:29 |
14,617 KB | Will YOUR Bread and Waters be Sure.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:56 |
49,584 KB | Will Pope use BITCOIN with Mark of the Beast.mp4 | 05/24/2023 14:02 |
151,492 KB | Why we left Babylon.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:14 |
27,611 KB | Why They Block 'Certain' Videos (like this one).mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:58 |
21,757 KB | Why the SDA people are BLIND to Sunday Laws.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:30 |
59,403 KB | Why the Pope calls it Climate Change.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:00 |
19,477 KB | Why SDA hates SDR.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:55 |
14,059 KB | Why most Christians won’t be ready.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:06 |
81,394 KB | Why is Sunday the Mark.mp4 | 05/24/2023 15:35 |
56,522 KB | Why Despair You ARE Forgiven.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:29 |
4,729 KB | Why Christians are Hated.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:10 |
57,303 KB | Why ALL should Promote the ORIGINAL WRITINGS.mp4 | 05/24/2023 15:34 |
16,895 KB | Who is Israel part1.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:43 |
16,125 KB | Who is Israel part 2.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:43 |
63,887 KB | Who created UFO movement.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:21 |
14,485 KB | Who are the 144,000.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:04 |
15,042 KB | What will Happen on September 23, October 21, October 31, November 4 or June 24.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:48 |
22,141 KB | What will Happen October 21 October 31 November 4 or April 23.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:47 |
64,163 KB | What is Wrong with You Christians.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:54 |
110,005 KB | What did the SDA Pioneers Believe.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:35 |
20,972 KB | We WILL be saved from His coming Wrath.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:37 |
24,943 KB | We Saw Nuns Kill Children.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:34 |
30,581 KB | We may be small now... (part 4 of 4).mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:40 |
43,500 KB | We may be small now... (part 3 of 4).mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:41 |
45,933 KB | We may be small now... (part 2 of 4).mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:41 |
39,722 KB | We may be small now... (part 1 of 4).mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:40 |
161,245 KB | We have little time left.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:35 |
8,794 KB | W.H.O. Wants To Split Up Families.mp4 | 05/24/2023 13:56 |
9,222 KB | Videos you WANT to see.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:43 |
223,046 KB | vaticancommercialunplugged.mp4 | 12/11/2019 14:02 |
26,026 KB | Vatican, Hitler, USA and Islam.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:15 |
16,011 KB | Vatican Universal jurisdiction is an important tool -GLOBAL POLICE FORCE.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:55 |
17,792 KB | Vatican says they hate Bible.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:38 |
39,643 KB | Vatican rocked Police raid drug-fuelled gay orgy at cardinal's apartment.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:50 |
17,623 KB | Vatican promotes Mary as a God.mp4 | 05/24/2023 21:21 |
15,024 KB | Vatican Promotes a Communist Church Structure!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:40 |
23,702 KB | Vatican kiddy porn envoy won’t be sent.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:47 |
19,661 KB | Vatican Invests $1.1 M in Steamy Elton John Biopic.mp4 | 05/24/2023 14:02 |
24,214 KB | Vatican Invented Big Bang - Science Just Proved It's a Lie! (CENSORED IN PHILIPPINES).mp4 | 05/24/2023 11:12 |
17,324 KB | Vatican Exorcist Calls for Backup!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:42 |
21,426 KB | Vatican doing as Daniel 1145 predicted!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 21:17 |
15,058 KB | Vatican Describes Mary Worship as a CULT!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:09 |
18,638 KB | Vatican cross crushes man to death.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:20 |
43,289 KB | Vatican cooks up false Islamic Antichrist prophecies (AGAIN).mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:14 |
35,357 KB | Vatican Controls US Media! (try not to laugh;).mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:53 |
31,331 KB | Vatican asks Catholics to break US law!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:13 |
57,418 KB | Vatican APPROVES Harry Potter.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:51 |
25,515 KB | Vatican ADMITS Sunday is the MARK!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:36 |
12,757 KB | US Senate Agrees with Pope on Climate Change!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:06 |
22,075 KB | US Schools say NO to Jesus and YES to Allah!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:57 |
16,908 KB | US Police State Coming Soon!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:05 |
32,124 KB | US Majority Seeks Christianity as Official State Religion.mp4 | 05/24/2023 11:22 |
15,363 KB | US Constitution officially being trashed.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:25 |
23,609 KB | US Constitution changing soon!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:22 |
32,634 KB | US Congress agrees with Pope on religious laws!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:20 |
10,061 KB | URGENT! US Senator Wants SUNDAY LAWS!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:04 |
181,885 KB | URGENT Prophetic Events.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:12 |
33,960 KB | Unholy Fathers of Rome.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:23 |
12,952 KB | Uncovering the News Media Coverups.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:42 |
11,789 KB | UNCLEAN Foods - Can you Thank God for that Meal.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:44 |
14,952 KB | U.S.Bishops A Model for the World!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:46 |
13,852 KB | U.N. Sec-Gen 'An alert for the World!' (HE DEMANDS A NWO!).mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:43 |
32,553 KB | U.N. plans One World Government by 2030.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:30 |
15,678 KB | U.N. brings back image of 3rd Pagan god.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:44 |
14,479 KB | Trump’s Jerusalem declaration sparks talk of 3rd Temple.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:45 |
29,487 KB | Trump and the Prophesied 501c3.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:55 |
28,748 KB | TRACKING CHRISTIANS Tools exist to enforce MARK.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:45 |
32,385 KB | TRACKING CHRISTIANS Tools exist to enforce MARK pt2.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:35 |
11,088 KB | TRACKING CHRISTIANS Tools exist to enforce MARK pt 3.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:35 |
44,995 KB | This will scare lukewarm Christians.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:55 |
17,799 KB | This California State Assembly bill would BAN the Bible!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:38 |
11,002 KB | They're Going Cashless to enforce the MARK.mp4 | 05/24/2023 11:26 |
15,321 KB | They plan to regulate ‘every nut and bolt’ of Internet.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:05 |
41,007 KB | They fear our God!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:41 |
58,914 KB | They fear our God! (part 3).mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:41 |
65,152 KB | They fear our God! (part 2).mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:42 |
4,058 KB | They did it AGAIN!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 11:35 |
16,508 KB | THE WOUND IS HEALED!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:23 |
61,993 KB | The Vatican Can’t Hide These Signs!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 13:56 |
21,236 KB | The TEN TOES of Daniel are lining up!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:25 |
27,744 KB | The Sign of the Cross.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:38 |
26,784 KB | The Popes and 666.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:21 |
66,525 KB | The Pope, Sunday Laws & Climate Change (May 14, 2020).mp4 | 05/24/2023 15:33 |
15,172 KB | The Pope said JESUS FAILED!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:59 |
35,426 KB | The Pope is killing Christians TODAY.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:08 |
326,461 KB | The Pope is Antichrist.mp4 | 05/24/2023 13:01 |
8,519 KB | The Napkin.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:40 |
16,169 KB | The MASK to MARK agenda UNVEILED.mp4 | 05/24/2023 12:47 |
21,139 KB | The Mark of the beast.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:43 |
35,517 KB | THE KELLOGG FILE.mp4 | 05/24/2023 15:34 |
14,373 KB | The Image of the Beast is ALIVE (Trump signed it ON SABBATH DAY!).mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:45 |
122,269 KB | The End is Near.mp4 | 05/24/2023 15:32 |
148,977 KB | The Elijah Message.mp4 | 05/24/2023 11:29 |
56,911 KB | The Coming Conflict.mp4 | 05/24/2023 12:48 |
12,118 KB | The Bible Explains THE MARK.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:46 |
26,108 KB | The BAD Samaritan!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:57 |
216,832 KB | The 7 last Plagues.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:29 |
45,213 KB | That's Not Happening at Christ's Second Coming.mp4 | 05/24/2023 11:02 |
87,143 KB | Thank Pastors for Homosexual Marriage.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:03 |
27,975 KB | Thank ANGRY Christians for Homosexual Marriage.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:28 |
35,891 KB | TEN TOES line up accelerating!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:24 |
21,704 KB | Ten Silver Coins.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:29 |
48,905 KB | Ted Wilson Abortion is OK.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:25 |
32,990 KB | Talk of BEHEADINGS by Protesters!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 12:50 |
212,297 KB | SUNday Sabbath.mp4 | 05/24/2023 11:37 |
6,069 KB | Sunday Laws Coming SOON!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 13:56 |
68,565 KB | Sunday laws ARE in the Pipeline (SDA Coverup!).mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:26 |
14,057 KB | Sunday Laws are coming SOON! (Jews pass Law to BREAK SABBATH!).mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:52 |
17,603 KB | Sunday Laws and Obamacare!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:20 |
25,340 KB | SUNDAY LAW ALERT! Trump meets with Muslims, Jews and Pope!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:52 |
42,861 KB | SUNDAY LAW ALERT Al Gore Says God Told Him to Fight Global Warming.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:51 |
19,647 KB | Sunday Keeping SDAs.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:29 |
1,452,311 KB | Study = Sanctuary - Sermon = Testimony.mp4 | 05/24/2023 14:14 |
645,895 KB | Study = Sanctuary - Sermon = Malachi Warning #2.mp4 | 05/24/2023 13:27 |
828,121 KB | Study = Sanctuary - Sermon = Malachi Warning #1.mp4 | 05/24/2023 13:33 |
33,469 KB | Strange Signs & Trumpets over Jerusalem.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:55 |
117,243 KB | Stop Twisting SOP.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:38 |
55,923 KB | Stop letting the Media Distract you!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 11:33 |
22,902 KB | Still Don't Think Climate Change Brings Sunday Laws.mp4 | 05/24/2023 11:28 |
32,219 KB | Steps to Christ.mp4 | 05/24/2023 14:00 |
43,184 KB | Stephen Bohr Pushes Vaccine Using Fabricated GC Letter.mp4 | 05/24/2023 12:45 |
18,259 KB | State of the Dead part1.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:43 |
15,155 KB | State of the Dead part 3 (final).mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:43 |
20,310 KB | State of the Dead part 2.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:43 |
16,571 KB | Splitting up Families using Contact Tracing.mp4 | 05/24/2023 13:54 |
97,899 KB | Speaking Against Vatican Is Terrorism!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:27 |
13,548 KB | Soon they will blame Christians for their BOILS.mp4 | 05/24/2023 12:48 |
158,655 KB | Sketches for the Life of Paul.mp4 | 05/24/2023 12:12 |
143,568 KB | Sketches for the Life of Paul (5).mp4 | 05/24/2023 12:53 |
110,453 KB | Sketches for the Life of Paul (4).mp4 | 05/24/2023 12:34 |
132,756 KB | Sketches for the Life of Paul (3).mp4 | 05/24/2023 12:22 |
140,610 KB | Sketches for the Life of Paul (2).mp4 | 05/24/2023 12:18 |
45,844 KB | Should SDA's Stay With The Ship.mp4 | 05/24/2023 11:25 |
23,236 KB | Should SDA Pastors Step Down.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:43 |
8,720 KB | Should Christians Vote.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:09 |
10,601 KB | Short Clips We Cannot Ignore - Sunday Laws ARE Coming.mp4 | 05/24/2023 11:24 |
11,090 KB | SHOCKING!! 4 year old Muslim boy Kills & Salutes Pope.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:57 |
24,685 KB | SHOCKING VIDEO! Concrete Evidence! Vatican Wrote Koran!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:09 |
29,813 KB | SHOCKING origin of NEW WORLD ORDER.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:48 |
25,599 KB | SHOCKING admission of former Satanist about ABORTION!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:00 |
17,152 KB | SHOCKER!!! Doctor HISSES he loves to kill Babies!!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:56 |
8,787 KB | SHOCKER! Please Slow Down!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:03 |
49,506 KB | Sharia coming to America.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:20 |
42,692 KB | Seventh Day Adventists Weakest Christians of all.mp4 | 05/24/2023 21:20 |
29,502 KB | Seriously, How Do Christians miss this.mp4 | 05/24/2023 11:28 |
21,128 KB | September 23 is Satan's way to TRAP BILLIONS!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:48 |
27,276 KB | September 23 FALSE PROPHECY EXPOSED (Also exposes October 21 & October 31 prophecy).mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:49 |
29,307 KB | Senator Boasts of Breaking God's law ON CAMERA.mp4 | 05/24/2023 15:33 |
157,630 KB | SDR Service Friday Night SOP.mp4 | 05/24/2023 11:18 |
782,345 KB | SDR Service - Sunday Laws & Major Announcement.mp4 | 05/24/2023 11:28 |
644,760 KB | SDR Sabbath Services.mp4 | 05/24/2023 11:54 |
622,500 KB | SDR Sabbath Services (4).mp4 | 05/24/2023 12:22 |
907,642 KB | SDR Sabbath Services (3).mp4 | 05/24/2023 12:21 |
876,064 KB | SDR Sabbath Services (2).mp4 | 05/24/2023 12:26 |
767,567 KB | SDR Sabbath Services - MAJOR announcement afterwards.mp4 | 05/24/2023 12:03 |
553,637 KB | SDR Sabbath Services - 144000 fruit - part2.mp4 | 05/24/2023 11:12 |
355,711 KB | SDR Sabbath Service.mp4 | 05/24/2023 11:43 |
684,448 KB | SDR Sabbath Service SUNDAY LAWS ARE DEFINITELY COMING.mp4 | 05/24/2023 11:20 |
855,669 KB | SDR Sabbath Service (Major Announcement Afterwards).mp4 | 05/24/2023 11:47 |
740,022 KB | SDR Sabbath Service (2).mp4 | 05/24/2023 12:05 |
162,843 KB | SDR Sabbath eve Study.mp4 | 05/24/2023 11:02 |
193,469 KB | SDR Sabbath Eve Services.mp4 | 05/24/2023 11:07 |
174,739 KB | SDR Sabbath Eve Services (6).mp4 | 05/24/2023 10:55 |
277,061 KB | SDR Sabbath Eve Services (5).mp4 | 05/24/2023 10:43 |
151,794 KB | SDR Sabbath Eve Services (4).mp4 | 05/24/2023 10:28 |
295,877 KB | SDR Sabbath Eve Services (3).mp4 | 05/24/2023 10:21 |
173,204 KB | SDR Sabbath Eve Services (2).mp4 | 05/24/2023 11:13 |
113,255 KB | SDR Sabbath eve Service.mp4 | 05/24/2023 10:42 |
680,643 KB | SDR Sabbath Day Services.mp4 | 05/24/2023 10:38 |
885,134 KB | SDR Sabbath Day services -TESTIFY! ).mp4 | 05/24/2023 11:36 |
581,902 KB | SDR Sabbath Day Services -Q&A.mp4 | 05/24/2023 11:01 |
659,090 KB | SDR Sabbath Day Services (Vaccine).mp4 | 05/24/2023 10:27 |
675,584 KB | SDR Sabbath Day Services (5).mp4 | 05/24/2023 11:00 |
622,001 KB | SDR Sabbath Day Services (4).mp4 | 05/24/2023 10:33 |
725,982 KB | SDR Sabbath Day Services (3).mp4 | 05/24/2023 10:39 |
640,385 KB | SDR Sabbath Day Services (2).mp4 | 05/24/2023 10:19 |
330,536 KB | SDR Sabbath Day services - Abolished at the Cross.mp4 | 05/24/2023 11:12 |
758,294 KB | SDR Sabbath Day Services - 144000 fruit - part3.mp4 | 05/24/2023 10:49 |
736,173 KB | SDR Sabbath Day Service (1 Hour with Beast Communion).mp4 | 05/24/2023 10:56 |
780,514 KB | SDR Sabbath day Service - 144,000 FRUIT part 1.mp4 | 05/24/2023 11:29 |
539,671 KB | SDR Sabbath Day Church Services.mp4 | 05/24/2023 12:32 |
439,371 KB | SDR Sabbath Day Church Services (7).mp4 | 05/24/2023 13:22 |
558,780 KB | SDR Sabbath Day Church Services (6).mp4 | 05/24/2023 13:21 |
363,262 KB | SDR Sabbath Day Church Services (5).mp4 | 05/24/2023 13:05 |
733,373 KB | SDR Sabbath Day Church Services (4).mp4 | 05/24/2023 13:00 |
686,926 KB | SDR Sabbath Day Church Services (3).mp4 | 05/24/2023 12:57 |
767,093 KB | SDR Sabbath Day Church Services (2).mp4 | 05/24/2023 12:40 |
237,054 KB | SDR Online Church Service - The Lord's Supper.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:25 |
247,762 KB | SDR Online Church Service - Sanctuary study and Testimony Service.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:25 |
209,460 KB | SDR Online Church Service - Q&A Sabbath.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:25 |
147,516 KB | SDR Online Church Service - LIVE Sanctuary Study - The Foolish Rich man.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:21 |
177,514 KB | SDR Online Church Serivce - THE SDA NAME.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:27 |
926,838 KB | SDR Church Service.mp4 | 05/24/2023 12:53 |
153,116 KB | SDR Church Service (2).mp4 | 05/24/2023 12:26 |
520,772 KB | SDR - study - Sanctuary sermon -Testimony Sabbath.mp4 | 05/24/2023 14:32 |
537,747 KB | SDR - study - Sanctuary sermon -Testimony Sabbath (2).mp4 | 05/24/2023 14:32 |
350,279 KB | SDR - study - Sanctuary sermon -Q&A Sabbath.mp4 | 05/24/2023 14:18 |
577,564 KB | SDR - study - Sanctuary sermon -Never Lose Hope in Praying.mp4 | 05/24/2023 14:34 |
691,818 KB | SDR - study - Sanctuary sermon -Is Christmas Christian.mp4 | 05/24/2023 14:19 |
428,280 KB | SDR - study - Sanctuary sermon -Is Christmas Christian part2.mp4 | 05/24/2023 14:11 |
437,719 KB | SDR - study - Sanctuary sermon -Courageous Christians.mp4 | 05/24/2023 14:25 |
485,910 KB | SDR - study - Sanctuary sermon -Courageous Christians pt2.mp4 | 05/24/2023 14:23 |
493,368 KB | SDR - study - Sanctuary sermon -Am I REALLY Saved.mp4 | 05/24/2023 14:35 |
771,864 KB | SDR - study - Sanctuary sermon - the Lord's Supper.mp4 | 05/24/2023 15:59 |
282,412 KB | SDR - study - Sanctuary sermon - The 6000 yr old Gospel pt4 FINAL.mp4 | 05/24/2023 13:36 |
702,929 KB | SDR - study - Sanctuary sermon - The 6000 yr old Gospel pt3.mp4 | 05/24/2023 13:46 |
783,670 KB | SDR - study - Sanctuary sermon - The 6000 yr old Gospel pt2.mp4 | 05/24/2023 13:50 |
536,813 KB | SDR - study - Sanctuary sermon - Testimony Sabbath.mp4 | 05/24/2023 14:51 |
547,402 KB | SDR - study - Sanctuary sermon - Testimony Sabbath (7).mp4 | 05/24/2023 16:35 |
1,081,361 KB | SDR - study - Sanctuary sermon - Testimony Sabbath (6).mp4 | 05/24/2023 15:56 |
723,526 KB | SDR - study - Sanctuary sermon - Testimony Sabbath (5).mp4 | 05/24/2023 15:31 |
679,108 KB | SDR - study - Sanctuary sermon - Testimony Sabbath (4).mp4 | 05/24/2023 15:15 |
675,598 KB | SDR - study - Sanctuary sermon - Testimony Sabbath (3).mp4 | 05/24/2023 15:02 |
445,134 KB | SDR - study - Sanctuary sermon - Testimony Sabbath (2).mp4 | 05/24/2023 14:42 |
511,862 KB | SDR - study - Sanctuary sermon - Q&A Sabbath.mp4 | 05/24/2023 13:45 |
977,283 KB | SDR - study - Sanctuary sermon - Q&A Sabbath (10).mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:08 |
307,539 KB | SDR - study - Sanctuary sermon - Q&A Sabbath (9).mp4 | 05/24/2023 15:45 |
287,202 KB | SDR - study - Sanctuary sermon - Q&A Sabbath (8).mp4 | 05/24/2023 15:28 |
474,829 KB | SDR - study - Sanctuary sermon - Q&A Sabbath (7).mp4 | 05/24/2023 15:17 |
574,637 KB | SDR - study - Sanctuary sermon - Q&A Sabbath (6).mp4 | 05/24/2023 15:01 |
307,025 KB | SDR - study - Sanctuary sermon - Q&A Sabbath (5).mp4 | 05/24/2023 14:44 |
376,937 KB | SDR - study - Sanctuary sermon - Q&A Sabbath (4).mp4 | 05/24/2023 14:39 |
530,930 KB | SDR - study - Sanctuary sermon - Q&A Sabbath (3).mp4 | 05/24/2023 14:12 |
420,683 KB | SDR - study - Sanctuary sermon - Q&A Sabbath (2).mp4 | 05/24/2023 13:54 |
909,157 KB | SDR - study - Sanctuary sermon - Pope is Antichrist pt9.mp4 | 05/24/2023 16:45 |
825,397 KB | SDR - study - Sanctuary sermon - Pope is Antichrist pt8.mp4 | 05/24/2023 15:27 |
545,720 KB | SDR - study - Sanctuary sermon - Pope is Antichrist pt7.mp4 | 05/24/2023 15:24 |
511,972 KB | SDR - study - Sanctuary sermon - Pope is Antichrist pt 4.mp4 | 05/24/2023 15:59 |
721,325 KB | SDR - study - Sanctuary sermon - Pope is Antichrist part 14-FINAL.mp4 | 05/24/2023 14:47 |
553,038 KB | SDR - study - Sanctuary sermon - Pope is Antichrist part 13.mp4 | 05/24/2023 15:06 |
303,217 KB | SDR - study - Sanctuary sermon - Pope is Antichrist part 12.mp4 | 05/24/2023 14:49 |
437,197 KB | SDR - study - Sanctuary sermon - Pope is Antichrist part 11.mp4 | 05/24/2023 14:54 |
690,959 KB | SDR - study - Sanctuary sermon - Pope is Antichrist part 10.mp4 | 05/24/2023 15:14 |
304,707 KB | SDR - study - Sanctuary sermon - Pope is Antichrist part 6.mp4 | 05/24/2023 15:32 |
457,286 KB | SDR - study - Sanctuary sermon - Pope is Antichrist part 5.mp4 | 05/24/2023 15:48 |
833,828 KB | SDR - study - Sanctuary sermon - John 3 & Communion.mp4 | 05/24/2023 15:12 |
508,142 KB | SDR - study - Sanctuary sermon - Feast Days & Communion.mp4 | 05/24/2023 13:59 |
626,818 KB | SDR - study - Sanctuary sermon - 6000 yr old Gospel.mp4 | 05/24/2023 13:58 |
34,049 KB | SDAs Sponsor Drinking & Gambling on Sabbath and then kept Roman Catholic Sunday Holy.mp4 | 05/24/2023 13:59 |
29,232 KB | SDA Tithe Sent to POPE.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:27 |
17,638 KB | SDA Ted Wilson Declared POPE!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:27 |
11,319 KB | SDA Prophet (Ellen White) Exposed SDA President.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:37 |
18,945 KB | SDA President Ted Wilson's SHOCKING statement - ON CAMERA! (No Sunday Laws in Pipeline!).mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:46 |
39,467 KB | SDA President sends APOLOGY to Pope.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:53 |
36,002 KB | SDA Politician Snubs Bible (Ben Carson).mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:01 |
15,762 KB | SDA Pastors Need to REPENT!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:44 |
63,399 KB | SDA Pastors Mock the Lord on Camera.mp4 | 05/24/2023 15:35 |
34,253 KB | SDA Pastors Mock our Lord in Prayer.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:27 |
58,900 KB | SDA PASTORS CAUGHT RED HANDED!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 15:36 |
36,300 KB | SDA pastors caught LYING.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:26 |
21,130 KB | SDA Pastor to be Atheist for 1 year!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:24 |
20,985 KB | SDA Pastor David Gates False Prophet - his DATED prophecy FAILED.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:25 |
16,775 KB | SDA no longer Christian.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:25 |
26,247 KB | SDA Leaders Claim Power to Change Christian Doctrine.mp4 | 05/24/2023 15:36 |
27,160 KB | SDA False Prophets (Gates-Nelson-Carter-Batchelor-Veith-Wilson-Bacchiocchi-Finley-Cox-3ABN..etc).mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:29 |
35,324 KB | SDA Church says Sunday worship “no big deal”.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:05 |
46,560 KB | SDA Church Removed Loud Cry & 501c3 From GC.mp4 | 05/24/2023 15:38 |
33,815 KB | SDA Church removed ANOTHER rebuke in the GC!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 15:37 |
50,843 KB | SDA Church Removed Solemn Warning - Testimonies Vol. 8..mp4 | 05/24/2023 15:38 |
12,259 KB | SDA Church now preaching Pantheism!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:58 |
22,587 KB | SDA church joins hands with Rome as Prophesied.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:57 |
150,665 KB | SDA church defends Antichrist!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:34 |
18,930 KB | SDA church and 3ABN says Allah is God!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:32 |
27,585 KB | SDA Changed Statement of Faith.mp4 | 05/24/2023 15:38 |
44,145 KB | SDA CHANGED SOP -WLF CHANGED BIG TIME!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:26 |
66,059 KB | SDA Changed GC to Teach Jesuit Second Coming.mp4 | 05/24/2023 15:35 |
18,458 KB | SDA Ben Carson likens Islamic State to American patriots.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:07 |
86,404 KB | SDA Apostasy.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:29 |
102,919 KB | SDA Apostasy off the Chart!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 12:49 |
27,162 KB | SDA & Pope agree Bible unreliable.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:28 |
42,620 KB | SDA - Do You Agree with SOP Changes.mp4 | 05/24/2023 11:28 |
8,745 KB | Science CONFIRMED God gives human life at Conception.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:30 |
27,514 KB | Schwarzenegger Promotes Vatican Guillotine Agenda.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:39 |
36,999 KB | Schools encourage sexual promiscuity in teens (Common Core).mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:08 |
23,827 KB | Scholar says Jesus didn't die for our sins!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:10 |
12,948 KB | SCARY Rapture Prank!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:36 |
52,588 KB | Santa = Satan (Is Christmas Christian).mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:07 |
651,997 KB | Sanctuary Study & Secret Rapture Lie Prophesied.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:43 |
257,309 KB | Sanctuary Study - Testimony Sabbath.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:45 |
144,243 KB | Sanctuary Study - Q&A Sabbath.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:33 |
20,404 KB | Sabbath Truth Justified part 3.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:43 |
18,404 KB | Sabbath Truth Justified part 2.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:42 |
17,320 KB | Sabbath Truth Justified part 1.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:42 |
12,527 KB | Room with a view 2 exVatican hospital officials charged.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:50 |
25,443 KB | Rome's Homosexual Agenda.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:25 |
99,077 KB | Romes Homosexual Agenda at Work.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:20 |
38,900 KB | Rome's attack on Marriage brought on by Celibacy.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:08 |
42,651 KB | Rome Readying For Sunday Laws.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:16 |
29,861 KB | Rome and Israel working together!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:22 |
16,080 KB | Roman Catholics Demand Sunday Laws.mp4 | 05/24/2023 12:50 |
16,443 KB | Roman Catholic Nuns in the SDA church!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:29 |
39,562 KB | Roman Catholic Hierarchy of the SDA church.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:29 |
26,000 KB | Roman Catholic Cardinals in the SDA church!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:28 |
67,283 KB | Roman Blessings for Pedophiles.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:12 |
3,029 KB | Rockefeller 2010 Doc Files on Pandemic.mp4 | 05/24/2023 11:34 |
39,160 KB | Rivers are Turning to BLOOD! (and no one cares).mp4 | 05/24/2023 13:59 |
20,268 KB | REPOST SDA Pastor David Gates False Prophet - His DATED prophecy FAILED before the eyes of all..mp4 | 05/24/2023 15:38 |
32,647 KB | Remember this UFO Video.mp4 | 05/24/2023 11:25 |
17,125 KB | Religious Laws Coming Soon to USA.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:40 |
35,314 KB | Reason for Pandemic Summarized.mp4 | 05/24/2023 12:49 |
25,068 KB | Reality Show to allow Rape and Murder!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:53 |
29,851 KB | REAL reason Government tracks EVERYONE.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:36 |
5,177 KB | RCC & SDA Church Ok with ---- and ------- ------ in Vaccine.mp4 | 05/24/2023 12:45 |
19,998 KB | Radioactive Snow in the MidWest!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:24 |
19,145 KB | Rabbi sets stage for Antichrist.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:23 |
9,571 KB | Q&A's in video format.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:04 |
14,089 KB | Q&A~ What does many shall run to & fro mean in Daniel 124.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:03 |
15,908 KB | Q&A~ Moses' Law -vs- God's Law.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:04 |
13,453 KB | Q&A~ Is The Law only for Jews.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:04 |
27,900 KB | Q&A~ Is God Showing Signs Today.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:04 |
38,173 KB | Purgatory.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:33 |
40,882 KB | Pure Facts in Prophecy 16, Antichrist preaches another Jesus.mp4 | 05/24/2023 11:29 |
41,790 KB | Pure Facts in Prophecy 15, Antichrist Sanctions Satanism.mp4 | 05/24/2023 11:29 |
34,416 KB | Pure Facts in Prophecy 14, Beast Affirms Sunday its Mark.mp4 | 05/24/2023 11:29 |
30,415 KB | Pure Facts in Prophecy 13, Christianity mixed with Paganism.mp4 | 05/24/2023 11:29 |
26,856 KB | Pure Facts in Prophecy 12, Antichrist Hates the Bible.mp4 | 05/24/2023 11:29 |
13,317 KB | Pure Facts in Prophecy 11, Antichrist Rules the Elite.mp4 | 05/24/2023 11:29 |
32,097 KB | Pure Facts in Prophecy 10, Antichrist Drugs all Nations.mp4 | 05/24/2023 11:30 |
26,467 KB | Pure Facts In Prophecy 9, Was - is not - Yet is.mp4 | 05/24/2023 11:30 |
45,619 KB | Pure Facts in Prophecy 8 Popes Kill for 1260 Yrs.mp4 | 05/24/2023 11:33 |
30,535 KB | Pure Facts in Prophecy 7 Antichrist's Political Power.mp4 | 05/24/2023 11:31 |
23,793 KB | Pure Facts In Prophecy 6 Antichrist's Origin.mp4 | 05/24/2023 11:31 |
25,651 KB | Pure Facts in Prophecy 5 - Ten Horns.mp4 | 05/24/2023 11:31 |
24,099 KB | Pure Facts in Prophecy 4 - Blasphemy.mp4 | 05/24/2023 11:32 |
31,501 KB | Pure Facts In Prophecy 3 - Scarlet Colored Beast.mp4 | 05/24/2023 11:32 |
15,885 KB | Pure Facts In Prophecy 2 Seven Hills.mp4 | 05/24/2023 11:32 |
10,463 KB | Pure Facts In Prophecy 1 Church & State.mp4 | 05/24/2023 11:32 |
26,452 KB | Prophetic Reason for Climate Change (Pope is trying to hide the fact JESUS IS COMING!).mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:27 |
17,439 KB | Prophetic Milestone! Digital Currency in Canada!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:23 |
4,180 KB | Prophetic Facts of Today! (we are VERY near the end!).mp4 | 05/24/2023 21:19 |
43,845 KB | Prophesied Reason They're Removing Food.mp4 | 05/24/2023 11:26 |
16,551 KB | PROPHESIED reason they WANT you to be SCARED!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 13:58 |
61,763 KB | Prophecy SDA People Will Worship their Pastors.mp4 | 05/24/2023 15:36 |
14,854 KB | Prophecy Popes to be Homosexual (And so the Pope Endorses Homosexual Marriage).mp4 | 05/24/2023 12:47 |
76,312 KB | Prophecy in the News OctW2.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:32 |
55,107 KB | Prophecy in the News (Oct week 1).mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:31 |
22,644 KB | PROPHECY FULFILLED - ONE WORLD CHURCH.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:27 |
22,536 KB | PROOF Secret Rapture is a LIE!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:37 |
39,136 KB | PROOF Pope ProLife Only For Political Reasons! (SUNday Laws).mp4 | 05/24/2023 13:58 |
11,580 KB | Proof Main Stream Media IS FAKE NEWS.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:39 |
8,505 KB | PROOF Islam War a HOAX!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:44 |
38,159 KB | PROOF GREAT RESET - Socialist Global Govt to enforce the MARK.mp4 | 05/24/2023 12:47 |
17,617 KB | PROOF Ebola Panic STAGED.mp4 | 05/24/2023 21:15 |
0 KB | PROOF Ebola Panic STAGED!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 16:11 |
22,543 KB | PROOF All SDA Leaders Deny Christ.mp4 | 05/24/2023 10:54 |
45,786 KB | Proof - Pope is Behind COVID 19 (Great Reset).mp4 | 05/24/2023 12:46 |
153,105 KB | Prepping For Latter Rain Part4 -FINAL.mp4 | 05/24/2023 12:41 |
223,459 KB | Prepping For Latter Rain Part3.mp4 | 05/24/2023 12:43 |
195,155 KB | Prepping For Latter Rain Part2.mp4 | 05/24/2023 12:45 |
15,660 KB | Prepare to meet thy God.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:46 |
49,724 KB | Prepare to meet thy God - Tech to enforce mark IS HERE.mp4 | 05/24/2023 15:33 |
16,295 KB | Pope's Socialist agenda in DC!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:23 |
16,125 KB | Pope's Plans to Anger God.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:31 |
21,751 KB | Pope's Catechist army being readied.mp4 | 05/24/2023 11:34 |
27,211 KB | Popes and Priests Gone Wild ON CAMERA.mp4 | 05/24/2023 14:01 |
7,568 KB | Pope’s Homosexual Agenda in full swing.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:07 |
20,181 KB | Pope’s 666 Hand-sign before Congress.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:59 |
14,008 KB | Pope wants Priests to Marry.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:46 |
29,461 KB | Pope to use Military FORCE to push Climate Change Worldwide.mp4 | 05/24/2023 14:02 |
23,452 KB | Pope to Students Stop Preaching Jesus!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 14:01 |
32,606 KB | Pope to address Congress!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:22 |
13,358 KB | Pope tells Teens to Disobey Parents!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:39 |
44,409 KB | Pope STOP preaching Christ and START preaching Climate Change! (Sunday Laws coming soon).mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:55 |
21,872 KB | Pope seeks to Enforce Mark using Climate Change in 7 years.mp4 | 05/24/2023 12:49 |
10,107 KB | Pope Seeks Religious Voice to Enforce MARK using Climate Change.mp4 | 05/24/2023 11:26 |
23,007 KB | Pope says you are STUPID.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:49 |
27,701 KB | Pope says NYC Terrorist Killed for Christian God!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:47 |
25,267 KB | Pope Says Jesus Lied - AGAIN!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 11:28 |
13,659 KB | Pope says don’t oppose God or Caesar!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:47 |
5,559 KB | Pope says Cross & God a failure AGAIN!!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:58 |
28,199 KB | Pope said Jesus did not Resurrect.mp4 | 05/24/2023 15:27 |
22,148 KB | Pope Places creature above Creator.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:43 |
30,947 KB | Pope Paganism Is Biblical.mp4 | 05/24/2023 14:01 |
17,823 KB | Pope OK's Sins of the Flesh.mp4 | 05/24/2023 11:29 |
33,357 KB | Pope OK with Abortion.mp4 | 05/24/2023 14:01 |
19,252 KB | Pope Main Reason Islam Still Killing.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:46 |
8,804 KB | Pope lies to child about his dead Atheist dad ON CAMERA!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:38 |
21,938 KB | Pope John Paul II Started Chemtrail Program in 1985!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:30 |
82,636 KB | Pope John Paul II a Saint!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:18 |
42,768 KB | Pope Jesus Christ is not of sound mind.mp4 | 05/24/2023 14:04 |
13,119 KB | Pope is now a PROFESSIONAL liar.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:37 |
18,810 KB | Pope is behind Swiss Homophobic Jailing Laws.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:31 |
16,761 KB | Pope Honors pro-abortion Activist!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:43 |
43,917 KB | Pope Honors Pagan fire god of Child Sacrifice!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 14:03 |
11,376 KB | Pope Hires LGBT Activist to Create & Manage Vatican News Site.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:43 |
27,238 KB | Pope hangs nude Jesus pic caressing Judas behind his desk.mp4 | 05/24/2023 11:35 |
27,870 KB | Pope Global Warming is SIN - Homosexuality is NOT.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:56 |
11,373 KB | Pope Francis, Climate change and Sunday Laws.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:07 |
11,657 KB | Pope Francis prays to Statue on Camera!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:57 |
18,229 KB | Pope Francis Compares Vatican Whistleblower to Satan.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:33 |
24,313 KB | Pope Francis Adds ‘Fourth Path’ to Official Sainthood.mp4 | 05/24/2023 21:08 |
15,041 KB | Pope Demands World Govt Must Rule USA!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:47 |
25,479 KB | Pope demands limits on free speech!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:06 |
14,676 KB | Pope Declares Satan Strong - Jesus Failed! (SDA SHOCKER INSIDE) (Change Lord's Prayer).mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:44 |
6,080 KB | Pope Controls Political, church and CEO Leaders of the WORLD!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:49 |
3,432 KB | Pope Conservative Christians Cultivate HATE.mp4 | 05/24/2023 11:24 |
28,285 KB | Pope CONFIRMS himself Antichrist! (Gives power to forgive sin!).mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:56 |
21,873 KB | POPE COMMANDS ALL PRAY ROSARY OCTOBER 13!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:47 |
54,205 KB | Pope claims to be God.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:29 |
10,444 KB | Pope Caught Lying.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:42 |
30,052 KB | Pope blames Bible Christians for Terrorism!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:10 |
12,975 KB | Pope Attacked Abuse Victims!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:33 |
5,455 KB | Pope asks all to deny Christ!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:10 |
33,256 KB | Pope & SDA You are Saved by the Church.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:28 |
15,539 KB | Pope & SDA TEACH ORIGINAL SIN.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:27 |
27,020 KB | Pope & SDA Jesus Reigns on Earth at Second Coming.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:28 |
9,937 KB | Polygamy gaining acceptance in the Courts.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:25 |
21,277 KB | Poland Total BAN on Sunday shopping Jan.1.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:48 |
20,544 KB | Poland Sunday Laws.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:45 |
14,747 KB | poGm's NEW LIVE STREAM.mp4 | 05/24/2023 12:45 |
52,107 KB | Please Explain Your 501c3 Pastor.mp4 | 05/24/2023 13:54 |
26,535 KB | Picture of Satan watching over Papal Audience.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:53 |
38,833 KB | Pharmaceuticals in Your Drinking Water!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 12:45 |
10,593 KB | Pay-per-view Executions!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:07 |
16,339 KB | Paul Ryan says America needs Catholicism.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:48 |
17,930 KB | Paul a False Apostle (HINT NO! He is NOT!).mp4 | 05/24/2023 11:24 |
17,134 KB | Pastors teach members to beat each other bloody.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:06 |
54,603 KB | Pastors Caught RED HANDED.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:02 |
9,589 KB | Pastor Of Jacksonville Florida Megachurch Claims Face To Face Meeting With Jesus Christ.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:38 |
10,224 KB | Our numbers are so small because Teachers force AntiChristian lessons on the kids!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:22 |
19,234 KB | Orion Nebula EXPLOSION!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:52 |
19,260 KB | Oregon Govt Building Seized by MILITIA!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:58 |
16,566 KB | Oprah asks God for a SIGN to run for President.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:40 |
23,495 KB | Only the Pope can Define Bible.mp4 | 05/24/2023 14:01 |
52,250 KB | Only Christians Can Reject Fear-Mongering Riots.mp4 | 05/24/2023 12:51 |
11,185 KB | One verse BLASTS 7 yr Trib.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:47 |
17,466 KB | October 21 – Planet X October 31 and November 4.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:47 |
5,920 KB | Obamacare = International tool to enforce mark of the beast.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:25 |
8,095 KB | Obama working with Rome to create Socialist America.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:22 |
30,985 KB | Obama says Christians are killers too.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:06 |
16,501 KB | Obama said WHAT! (Hypocrite!).mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:01 |
20,827 KB | Obama demands Christians Deny Jesus!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:02 |
38,107 KB | Obama as Herod Emperor.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:08 |
28,827 KB | NT Bible Proof The Seventh day is the Christian Sabbath.mp4 | 05/24/2023 11:33 |
21,065 KB | NSA brainwashing our kids!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:23 |
17,955 KB | North American Union Prophecy Fulfilling (Ten Toes of Daniel).mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:06 |
27,551 KB | NIV FAKE Bible.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:35 |
363,580 KB | New World Order WORKS!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 13:09 |
9,130 KB | New video game Shoot the unborn baby.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:36 |
21,885 KB | New poGm Video Site (just in case).mp4 | 05/24/2023 14:02 |
49,701 KB | Muslims Worship Mary!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:56 |
14,859 KB | Muslims Will Keep Sunday Holy.mp4 | 05/24/2023 11:29 |
21,429 KB | Muslims now worship Mary - SDA Leaders MUTE.mp4 | 05/24/2023 15:34 |
12,193 KB | Muslims hold secret meeting in Texas!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:37 |
12,833 KB | Muslims are Catholics (GRAPHIC VIDEO).mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:57 |
13,855 KB | Mr & Mrs Atheist What say ye now!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:38 |
36,354 KB | More Proof Wound is Healed! (He just got $10 TRILLION!).mp4 | 05/24/2023 12:46 |
26,541 KB | More Historic Proof Popes Created Islam!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:00 |
14,668 KB | Mike Huckabee Says Billy Graham Death FAKE NEWS.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:41 |
18,055 KB | Mega-Church Pastor says Jesus is a liar.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:47 |
29,370 KB | Media using FAKE Christians (N.Korea) to Weaken Their Resitance.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:26 |
67,913 KB | Media Promoting Religious Laws (Sunday Laws).mp4 | 05/24/2023 11:18 |
2,663 KB | Media Preaching as False Prophets.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:25 |
10,799 KB | Media ignores crucial fact in Florida school shooting.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:41 |
16,113 KB | Media ADMITS (on camera) to using mind control.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:53 |
19,115 KB | May Day Protestors plea for Socialism in America!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:17 |
33,159 KB | Mask-less Woman Attacked - Next Christians!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 13:53 |
54,780 KB | Mary Worship - destroying Europe.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:13 |
17,040 KB | Martial Law - Sooner rather than Later.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:23 |
58,058 KB | Mark of the Beast! Sunday Laws Coming Soon!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:30 |
47,936 KB | Mark of the Beast Warning in 10 Commandments.mp4 | 05/24/2023 12:47 |
82,977 KB | Mark of the Beast being fast-tracked!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:04 |
48,196 KB | MANY Reasons to Homeschool.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:07 |
42,170 KB | MANY False Prophets!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:50 |
46,401 KB | Man of sin's prophesied task - Kenneth Copeland and Pope Francis join as one.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:23 |
8,312 KB | Lutheran Church called Pope Antichrist!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:08 |
10,988 KB | Lutheran Church Bans God's gender.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:46 |
115,237 KB | Love over Apostasy.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:32 |
22,602 KB | Looking for a church.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:54 |
318,047 KB | Lock downs, compliance & Sunday laws.mp4 | 05/24/2023 12:33 |
16,234 KB | Literal 'spark of life' caught on camera! -The real BIG BANG!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:57 |
8,453 KB | Legalized killing of healthy toddlers.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:09 |
14,884 KB | Left my fallen Church - NOW WHAT.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:42 |
60,290 KB | LDA-MOB.mp4 | 05/24/2015 15:31 |
66,487 KB | La Cosa Nostra.mp4 | 05/24/2023 21:16 |
15,123 KB | Keeping Sabbath to GET Saved.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:41 |
54,477 KB | Kanye West's Fake Christianity.mp4 | 05/24/2023 14:02 |
26,082 KB | Joel Osteen’s Wife Confirms Prophecy Fulfilled.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:10 |
21,527 KB | JesusUsedWeapons.mp4 | 09/20/2014 20:57 |
18,649 KB | Jesuits granted global power to kill true believers.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:12 |
79,182 KB | Jesuit Magazine Makes ‘Catholic Case for Communism’.mp4 | 05/24/2023 15:37 |
20,725 KB | Jennifer Lawrence Blames Trump for Hurricanes!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:49 |
17,599 KB | IT'S HAPPENING NOW!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 11:10 |
279,231 KB | It's Getting Scary - Or is it.mp4 | 05/24/2023 13:08 |
86,465 KB | It is I; be not Afraid.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:34 |
13,154 KB | Israeli President compares ISIS to Nazis!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:05 |
25,414 KB | Israeli Leader helps Pope Fulfill Antichrist Prophecy!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:10 |
105,380 KB | Islamic Antichrist.mp4 | 05/24/2023 14:00 |
50,236 KB | Islam victor over USA and Vatican.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:15 |
11,244 KB | Islam in Christian Prophecy.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:12 |
9,742 KB | Is YouTube Deleting Subscribers!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:49 |
7,756 KB | Is YouTube Censoring me.mp4 | 05/24/2023 21:18 |
35,576 KB | Is your Pastor one of the Many False Prophets.mp4 | 05/24/2023 10:56 |
33,354 KB | Is the SDA church the Remnant.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:16 |
46,157 KB | Is the Pope Antichrist.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:51 |
168,311 KB | Is the Holy Spirit a Person.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:18 |
18,243 KB | Is the Embassy Move Prophetic.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:45 |
23,739 KB | Is Sunday Sabbath part 3.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:42 |
28,278 KB | Is Sunday Sabbath part 2.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:42 |
24,698 KB | Is Sunday Sabbath part 1.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:42 |
43,813 KB | Is Satanism practiced by the Popes (upside down cross).mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:21 |
18,248 KB | Is Pope Antichrist.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:43 |
6,800 KB | Is Polygamy a sin.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:41 |
6,800 KB | Is Nero the Antichrist.mp4 | 05/24/2023 16:09 |
12,863 KB | Is Jesus Really your KING.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:41 |
12,685 KB | Is Jesus our Sabbath.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:35 |
10,466 KB | Is Christmas Christian.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:49 |
17,877 KB | Is Catholicism Practising Satanic Ritual.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:38 |
27,229 KB | Is Catholicism Christianity.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:39 |
23,989 KB | Is Catholic Sainthood Biblical.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:56 |
22,185 KB | Immigration to Destroy Religious Freedom in USA.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:09 |
120,721 KB | Image of the Beast - 501c3.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:28 |
49,814 KB | I want to see the Lord's hand! 3 of 3.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:37 |
45,289 KB | I want to see the Lord's hand! 2 of 3.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:38 |
38,880 KB | I want to see the Lord's hand! 1 of 3.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:37 |
5,089 KB | I PULLED THE VIDEO.mp4 | 05/24/2023 16:05 |
15,335 KB | How to Join us Online for Sabbath Services.mp4 | 05/24/2023 11:30 |
10,175 KB | How to enter SDR online Church.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:12 |
22,194 KB | Homosexual flag hoisted above US embassy in Israel.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:13 |
25,128 KB | Holy Father title is Blasphemy.mp4 | 05/24/2023 12:50 |
29,493 KB | He is Creator.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:44 |
44,790 KB | Harry Potter and the Vatican.mp4 | 09/06/2017 22:24 |
23,725 KB | Harbinger.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:25 |
18,557 KB | Guillotines in Obamacare.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:25 |
38,377 KB | Guillotine used in Senate Campaign.mp4 | 05/24/2023 13:59 |
10,748 KB | Guillotine at Puerto Rico BLM Protest!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 12:50 |
50,314 KB | Greta Works for Rome.mp4 | 05/24/2023 15:31 |
39,670 KB | Great Controversy CHANGED to keep Pews filled.mp4 | 05/24/2023 15:38 |
10,751 KB | GRAPHIC! LITTLE BOYS BECOMING DRAG QUEENS.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:44 |
7,527 KB | GRAPHIC Angry Catholics Burn man to Death in Mexico.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:37 |
70,406 KB | Govt School seeking non-Christians for employment.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:21 |
26,199 KB | Govt Christians must wed Homosexuals or go to JAIL!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:09 |
34,214 KB | Government Owns Facebook!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:59 |
9,894 KB | Google Says Jesus is Coming!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:36 |
154,279 KB | GOD'S ELECT.mp4 | 05/24/2023 11:32 |
213,821 KB | GodDidThatForMe.mp4 | 02/18/2016 19:40 |
114,736 KB | Global Warming to bring Global Government.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:04 |
27,298 KB | Global Warming and Plague #4.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:46 |
35,792 KB | Global Government Plans FAST TRACKED - EU EMPIRE COMING.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:57 |
193,986 KB | Friday Night SOP.mp4 | 05/24/2023 11:57 |
153,732 KB | Friday Night SOP Readings.mp4 | 05/24/2023 11:52 |
89,843 KB | Friday Night SOP Readings (4).mp4 | 05/24/2023 11:54 |
139,630 KB | Friday Night SOP Readings (3).mp4 | 05/24/2023 11:44 |
141,310 KB | Friday Night SOP Readings (2).mp4 | 05/24/2023 11:47 |
159,595 KB | Friday Night SOP Reading.mp4 | 05/24/2023 12:25 |
161,188 KB | Friday Night SOP Reading (10).mp4 | 05/24/2023 13:30 |
33,927 KB | Friday Night SOP Reading (9).mp4 | 05/24/2023 13:24 |
140,269 KB | Friday Night SOP Reading (8).mp4 | 05/24/2023 13:24 |
160,207 KB | Friday Night SOP Reading (7).mp4 | 05/24/2023 13:24 |
150,498 KB | Friday Night SOP Reading (6).mp4 | 05/24/2023 13:18 |
127,050 KB | Friday Night SOP Reading (5).mp4 | 05/24/2023 13:11 |
152,461 KB | Friday Night SOP Reading (4).mp4 | 05/24/2023 13:05 |
84,614 KB | Friday Night SOP Reading (3).mp4 | 05/24/2023 12:59 |
138,983 KB | Friday Night SOP Reading (2).mp4 | 05/24/2023 12:27 |
79,923 KB | Friday night Readings.mp4 | 05/24/2023 12:02 |
246,234 KB | Friday night Readings (2).mp4 | 05/24/2023 12:07 |
14,501 KB | France Legalizes Pedophilia - Facebook to help it go GLOBAL!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:39 |
31,109 KB | Fox News calls for Global Ruler!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:04 |
189,262 KB | Flat Earth.mp4 | 05/24/2023 13:00 |
119,526 KB | FieryTrialsoftheRemnant.mp4 | 03/13/2015 13:13 |
165,447 KB | Fiery Trials of the Remnant.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:06 |
37,406 KB | Federal judge backs firing squads, GUILLOTINE for executions.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:52 |
17,812 KB | Fear keeps you OUT of Heaven!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:42 |
135,382 KB | False Revivals!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 21:30 |
34,488 KB | Facebook CENSORSHIP Communist Scoring System Preamble to the MARK.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:35 |
6,369 KB | Ezekiel's Prophecy of the Dead Sea FULFILLED.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:30 |
16,149 KB | Execution by Guillotine in USA.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:11 |
13,005 KB | Every child born gets Government overseer!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:22 |
17,605 KB | Eternal Life in Hellfire.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:32 |
25,604 KB | Ellen White Predicted Demons would be OPENLY Worshiped.mp4 | 05/24/2023 15:28 |
41,465 KB | Ellen White a Prophet She predicted CHEMTRAILS.mp4 | 05/24/2023 15:33 |
92,818 KB | Effective Prayer (how to pray).mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:30 |
50,203 KB | E.G. White Prophesied Pope to Apologize for killings.mp4 | 05/24/2023 15:31 |
10,419 KB | Drag queens in childrens CARTOONS!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:37 |
39,856 KB | Doug caught LYING about Jesus in an email.mp4 | 05/24/2023 12:50 |
40,399 KB | Doug Batchelor Confirmed False Prophet.mp4 | 05/24/2023 11:33 |
20,910 KB | Doctors treat 'Pretend Sex'.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:56 |
12,981 KB | Do Christians keep Feast Days.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:42 |
4,677 KB | Dividing a Nation to Control its People.mp4 | 05/24/2023 12:39 |
8,840 KB | Did you see what YouTube just did!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:30 |
24,238 KB | Did Jesus make Wine or Grape Juice.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:38 |
12,329 KB | Did God Create Evil.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:42 |
37,486 KB | Demons Soon to Appear as Dead Christians.mp4 | 05/24/2023 11:01 |
22,212 KB | Demon of Caiaphas at work TODAY!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:08 |
31,600 KB | Defending False SDA prophets.mp4 | 05/24/2023 15:37 |
12,019 KB | Dealing with Scoffers.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:45 |
8,307 KB | Dallas Shooting with a different Viewpoint.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:56 |
6,176 KB | Czar Obama!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:25 |
183,875 KB | CURRENT-EVENTS-YouTubeCAUGHTCensoringINSIDEChristianChannels.mp4 | 05/18/2020 17:07 |
326,460 KB | CURRENT-EVENTS-ThePopeisAntichrist.mp4 | 05/06/2020 02:00 |
190,127 KB | CURRENT-EVENTS-SundayLawsClimateChangeCovid19.mp4 | 04/09/2020 14:24 |
342,171 KB | CURRENT-EVENTS-Lock downsComplianceSundayLaws.mp4 | 05/21/2020 01:10 |
279,231 KB | CURRENT-EVENTS-ItsGettingScary-Or-is-it.mp4 | 04/29/2020 13:41 |
189,262 KB | CURRENT-EVENTS-IsTheEarthFlat.mp4 | 05/01/2020 09:48 |
314,952 KB | CURRENT-EVENTS-Discussing-Splitting-up-Families.mp4 | 05/08/2020 19:07 |
261,353 KB | CURRENT-EVENTS-Activities-of-Antichrist.mp4 | 04/07/2020 13:43 |
363,580 KB | CURRENT-EVENTS-04-23-20-NewWorldOrderWORKS.mp4 | 04/24/2020 14:17 |
135,981 KB | CURRENT-EVENTS 04-02-20.mp4 | 04/07/2020 12:52 |
200,247 KB | Current Events in Prophecy part 2.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:16 |
168,034 KB | Current Events In Prophecy part 1.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:21 |
388,774 KB | CURRENT EVENTS 04-02-20.mp4 | 05/24/2023 13:13 |
261,353 KB | Current Activities of Antichrist.mp4 | 05/24/2023 13:15 |
24,357 KB | Cultivating Armageddon Anger.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:32 |
21,393 KB | Covid19 Political Theater.mp4 | 05/24/2023 13:57 |
59,517 KB | Covid-19 Global Compliance - TANKS on US soil!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 13:57 |
30,906 KB | Covid-19 Authorities CAUGHT LYING ON CAMERA.mp4 | 05/24/2023 13:56 |
192,245 KB | Covid-19 - this is our 66AD (04-06-20).mp4 | 05/24/2023 13:06 |
13,878 KB | CoronaVirus Hype, Georgia Guidestones & the Mark.mp4 | 05/24/2023 13:58 |
27,050 KB | Coin Card will help enforce Mark of the Beast.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:24 |
16,816 KB | CNN Promotes Santa's Husband.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:45 |
25,669 KB | CNN PROMOTES POPE AS A GLOBAL RULER.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:40 |
31,926 KB | CNN claims Sunday is the Seventh Day.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:25 |
24,169 KB | CNN BUSTED using Fake News to help Terrorist's Image!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:51 |
19,019 KB | CNN Blames God for Texas shooting!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:46 |
5,244 KB | Clinton Demands Christians Deny Jesus!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 21:26 |
14,617 KB | Climate Ten Commandments!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 11:07 |
47,436 KB | CLIMATE SUNDAY LAWS DISCUSSED!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 11:35 |
83,445 KB | Climate Change Sunday Law Discussion Nov 2022.mp4 | 05/24/2023 11:23 |
38,454 KB | Civil War is Coming!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 11:30 |
30,963 KB | Christians JAILED for refusing to convert to Catholicism!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:58 |
13,402 KB | Christians are God's agents.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:50 |
19,957 KB | Christian; Are you Ready for What's Coming!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 12:48 |
45,171 KB | 'Christian' Teacher wants to Kill Students!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:45 |
28,432 KB | Christian Sermons ILLEGAL in TEXAS!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:09 |
169,756 KB | Celebrating Birthdays.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:37 |
30,964 KB | Catholics cut off water and power from Protestant families.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:22 |
31,394 KB | Catholicism will be LAW in USA.mp4 | 05/24/2023 15:37 |
120,298 KB | Catholicism in a Nutshell.mp4 | 05/24/2023 21:24 |
16,827 KB | Catholic Priest Sexual Dance.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:55 |
9,585 KB | Catholic priest attacks woman on camera!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:58 |
15,273 KB | Catholic parish hosts gay dance party for Lady Gaga’s LGBT charity. Seriously.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:50 |
18,554 KB | CATHOLIC NUNS TORTURE 60 CHILDREN.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:37 |
20,353 KB | Catholic Governor Helps Pope keep Illegal Felons in USA!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:44 |
12,969 KB | Cashless Society SOON!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:12 |
9,518 KB | Canada Schools Blot Christ from Society in new Lesson plan.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:24 |
7,213 KB | Can God use You.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:52 |
15,859 KB | Can Christians keep the Law.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:09 |
10,544 KB | By their fruits ye shall know them (Skulls Galore).mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:39 |
175,669 KB | By beholding, most become killers.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:31 |
18,222 KB | BREAKING NEWS!! Trump, 501c3 Govt Preachers and Sunday Laws!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:52 |
21,325 KB | Break one Commandment you Break all!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:38 |
12,732 KB | Boy falls in Gorilla cage - Why not tranquilize Harambe.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:57 |
6,396 KB | Boy falls in Gorilla cage - Mercy for Harambe.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:57 |
16,204 KB | Bloody Hollywood Milking Vegas Shooting.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:47 |
62,928 KB | Blood Red Moon Prophecy.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:19 |
16,305 KB | BLM now attacking Christians.mp4 | 05/24/2023 12:48 |
102,983 KB | Blessed Assurance - You CAN know you're Saved!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 14:00 |
17,183 KB | Birth control is ‘treason!’.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:07 |
29,390 KB | BIG Proof #2 Pope behind PLANdemic.mp4 | 05/24/2023 11:34 |
27,421 KB | Bible reading sparks PANIC on Train!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:48 |
35,111 KB | Bible = Hate Speech Spreads to UK.mp4 | 05/24/2023 11:01 |
14,955 KB | Baptist Church called Pope Antichrist.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:09 |
27,130 KB | Baphomet in Detroit with Vatican approval.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:01 |
6,612 KB | Babylonian Talmud is blasphemous GARBAGE!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:14 |
34,875 KB | Atheist says Women should be Silent & Submissive.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:52 |
23,172 KB | Atheist asks Why doesn't God heal Amputees.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:51 |
193,045 KB | As we NOW see the day Approaching (Probation closed).mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:03 |
16,169 KB | As Prophesied - Pope Demands all abandon the Individual.mp4 | 05/24/2023 11:35 |
20,724 KB | Armageddon bunkers.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:38 |
23,965 KB | Armageddon Bunker sales UP 700%!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:54 |
6,935 KB | Are you scared (part 4 or 4).mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:40 |
64,311 KB | Are you scared (part 3 or 4).mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:40 |
47,086 KB | Are you scared (part 2 of 4).mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:39 |
50,776 KB | Are you scared (part 1 of 4).mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:40 |
5,478 KB | Are you ready to meet Christ ARE YOU SURE!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:00 |
26,565 KB | Are we His people 3 of 3.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:37 |
50,802 KB | Are we His people 2 of 3.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:36 |
35,469 KB | Are we His people 1 of 3.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:37 |
12,024 KB | Archbishop Cupich Hits Steve Bannon.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:45 |
27,383 KB | Anti-Pauline Movement EXPOSED (Paul REALLY WAS a Christian!).mp4 | 05/24/2023 11:28 |
29,164 KB | Anti-Pauline Movement Easily Exposed AGAIN!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 11:15 |
54,450 KB | AntiCatholicism Or is it they seek to hide the Pedophiles.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:23 |
27,810 KB | Anti Extremism Summit - American Christian Persecution.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:07 |
11,474 KB | ANOTHER SDA Pastor says Allah is God!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:29 |
8,313 KB | ANOTHER Prophecy Fulfilled (Beast that was, is not, yet is).mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:49 |
6,876 KB | Another Prophecy (#3) Fulfilled!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:50 |
24,636 KB | Another god on earth WAIT FOR IT (The ending may shock you!).mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:38 |
4,657 KB | ANOTHER Deadly Virus Outbreak! (Marburg).mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:09 |
3,709 KB | Anglican church called Pope Antichrist!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 16:07 |
18,562 KB | Angel of light appears at Promise Keepers.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:25 |
14,338 KB | Ancient Vatican Pedophile Games.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:56 |
12,757 KB | America racing towards Socialism.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:24 |
12,759 KB | All Rain Water is Now TOXIC.mp4 | 05/24/2023 11:24 |
7,832 KB | ALL church forefathers called him ANTICHRIST!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:09 |
12,465 KB | AfterThoseDays.mp4 | 09/25/2014 23:48 |
17,282 KB | Act of Worship.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:43 |
19,248 KB | A CURE FOR EBOLA!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:11 |
33,701 KB | A CURE FOR EBOLA! -2 (Govt ADMITS nano-silver works!).mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:10 |
5,468 KB | 06121650Killedin GayNightclub.mp4 | 06/12/2016 15:01 |
50,742 KB | 0302018OprahAsksGodForSignToRunAsPresident.mp4 | 03/04/2018 00:11 |
21,850 KB | 0200516PriestBeatsHomelessMan.mp4 | 02/11/2016 18:01 |
131,781 KB | 123019PopeBitcoinandMARK.mp4 | 12/31/2019 23:52 |
49,392 KB | 123015PopeLyingAboutClimate.mp4 | 01/07/2016 18:53 |
10,434 KB | 123014ClimateChange.mp4 | 12/30/2014 21:24 |
103,943 KB | 122917HeIsCreator.mp4 | 12/30/2017 20:05 |
80,583 KB | 122818SNunsInSDAchurch-720.mp4 | 12/29/2018 23:12 |
67,001 KB | 122717GovJerryBrownHelpsRCCwithIllegals.mp4 | 12/27/2017 18:48 |
177,312 KB | 122516WhatisWrongwithYouChristians.mp4 | 12/28/2016 23:11 |
202,323 KB | 122418SRomanHierarchyOfSDAchurch.mp4 | 12/25/2018 19:02 |
36,471 KB | 122417ArchbishopCupichHitsSteveBannon.mp4 | 12/25/2017 13:40 |
142,499 KB | 122319PopeTellsStudentsToStopPreachingJesus.mp4 | 12/24/2019 16:25 |
15,307 KB | 122314BirthControlisTreason.mp4 | 12/23/2014 20:28 |
130,215 KB | 122220RCCandSDAchurchOKwithPigsAndAbortedBabiesInVaccine.mp4 | 12/26/2020 22:13 |
57,324 KB | 122217SDApastorsREPENT.mp4 | 12/23/2017 19:15 |
54,995 KB | 122017CNNpromotesSantasHusband.mp4 | 12/20/2017 20:29 |
33,291 KB | 122015RCCusingFORCE.mp4 | 12/24/2015 20:03 |
60,854 KB | 121817PopeGlorifiesSatan.mp4 | 12/18/2017 21:33 |
9,112 KB | 121814PayPerViewExecutions.mp4 | 12/18/2014 17:50 |
133,432 KB | 121619RCCandSDAfundHomosexuality.mp4 | 12/17/2019 16:09 |
110,069 KB | 121520MoreProofWoundIsHealed.mp4 | 12/16/2020 19:15 |
75,301 KB | 121517TrackingChristiansEasily.mp4 | 12/16/2017 19:44 |
7,269 KB | 121514RCCUniversityHomosexualHarassment.mp4 | 12/15/2014 23:44 |
186,908 KB | 121418SDAfalseProphets-Gates.mp4 | 12/15/2018 23:44 |
132,955 KB | 121414schools.mp4 | 12/15/2014 00:10 |
246,227 KB | 121317TeacherWantsToKill.mp4 | 12/13/2017 16:20 |
96,065 KB | 121216PriestsToEvangelizeClimateChangeInsteadofChrist.mp4 | 12/15/2016 20:59 |
21,587 KB | 121214ChristiansToDieFortheWorld.mp4 | 12/13/2014 22:38 |
52,564 KB | 121117Temple3.mp4 | 12/11/2017 21:26 |
60,323 KB | 121014SexualKids.mp4 | 12/10/2014 22:32 |
66,234 KB | 120819MovingToBitchute.mp4 | 12/08/2019 15:45 |
62,842 KB | 120817EmbassyMove.mp4 | 12/09/2017 18:07 |
50,689 KB | 120814PopeIsKillingChristians.mp4 | 12/08/2014 23:16 |
78,265 KB | 120620YouTubeBanBACKFIRES.mp4 | 12/06/2020 16:38 |
103,849 KB | 120619VaticanInvenstEltonJohnFilm.mp4 | 12/06/2019 14:57 |
39,315 KB | 120617ImageAlive.mp4 | 12/06/2017 08:55 |
37,934 KB | 120417-501c3PastorsExposed.mp4 | 12/05/2017 10:25 |
4,798 KB | 120414Lutherans.mp4 | 12/04/2014 21:51 |
84,591 KB | 120319UNandPopeToEnforceClimateChange.mp4 | 12/03/2019 23:54 |
40,787 KB | 120117SundayLaws-501c3.mp4 | 12/02/2017 18:46 |
33,687 KB | 113014RomanHomosexuals.mp4 | 12/01/2014 20:22 |
49,366 KB | 112917Scoffers.mp4 | 11/29/2017 21:44 |
7,468 KB | 112915PopeSaysJesusFailedAGAIN.mp4 | 11/29/2015 16:41 |
25,808 KB | 112915BlockingMyVideos.mp4 | 12/03/2015 17:12 |
79,381 KB | 112717PolandSundayShops.mp4 | 11/27/2017 18:40 |
124,288 KB | 112519PopeSaysJesusInsane.mp4 | 11/26/2019 19:25 |
122,188 KB | 112420TheyLied-VirusesAreNotWhatYouThink.mp4 | 11/24/2020 19:31 |
43,380 KB | 112417LutheranGenderlessGod.mp4 | 11/24/2017 18:25 |
35,235 KB | 112314Caesar.mp4 | 11/23/2014 21:41 |
67,306 KB | 112217TedWilsonPeaceSafety.mp4 | 11/22/2017 17:17 |
60,855 KB | 112216StrangeSignsAndTrumpets.mp4 | 11/24/2016 21:02 |
53,073 KB | 112215Facebook.mp4 | 11/25/2015 19:07 |
43,410 KB | 112116PopeConfirmsSelfAntichrist.mp4 | 11/21/2016 18:06 |
131,071 KB | 112018NWOby2030-YTupload.mp4 | 11/24/2018 21:37 |
92,859 KB | 112017GlobalWarming-Plague4.mp4 | 11/20/2017 22:03 |
2,884 KB | 112014Anglicans.mp4 | 11/20/2014 19:50 |
155,679 KB | 111919KanyeWestFakeJesus.mp4 | 11/20/2019 22:01 |
41,390 KB | 111717PrepareForTheComingoftheLORD.mp4 | 11/17/2017 19:00 |
138,466 KB | 111520PopeBehindCovid19.mp4 | 11/15/2020 22:19 |
40,184 KB | 111517JayZ-CallsChristiansIdiots.mp4 | 11/15/2017 21:08 |
46,732 KB | 111414immigration.mp4 | 11/14/2014 18:47 |
43,886 KB | 111317Bishops2BmodelforWorld.mp4 | 11/13/2017 17:36 |
126,707 KB | 111219Pope-Honors-Molech.mp4 | 11/14/2019 21:49 |
8,361 KB | 111114abortingInfants.mp4 | 11/11/2014 19:15 |
37,353 KB | 111017BIBLE-EXPLAINS-MARKaka-BibleReading-vs-BibleStudy.mp4 | 11/11/2017 21:39 |
134,123 KB | 110920MarkOfTheBeastWarningIn10Commandments.mp4 | 11/10/2020 21:55 |
127,267 KB | 110819PopeSayJesusDidNotResurrect.mp4 | 11/10/2019 16:29 |
64,807 KB | 110817CNNblamesGOD.mp4 | 11/08/2017 18:28 |
38,635 KB | 110617FIVEthousandDollarChallenge.mp4 | 11/06/2017 18:55 |
43,104 KB | 110616ArmageddonBunkersII.mp4 | 11/06/2016 23:52 |
6,449 KB | 110614TedCruzVote.mp4 | 11/06/2014 19:08 |
77,641 KB | 110419EGW-DemonWorship.mp4 | 11/05/2019 19:45 |
161,514 KB | 110418SDA-Blind-to-SundayLaws.mp4 | 11/05/2018 00:16 |
44,614 KB | 110317PopeWantsPriests2Marry.mp4 | 11/03/2017 19:37 |
98,201 KB | 110117PopeandNYCterrorist.mp4 | 11/01/2017 23:04 |
42,520 KB | 110115NaziTridentSalute.mp4 | 11/03/2015 21:04 |
57,302 KB | 103017PopeReasonIslamExists.mp4 | 10/30/2017 18:02 |
8,220 KB | 103014Baptist.mp4 | 10/30/2014 20:36 |
137,171 KB | 102919EGW-SundayLawsCalamaties.mp4 | 10/30/2019 19:35 |
5,238 KB | 102714Methodist.mp4 | 10/27/2014 22:33 |
121,454 KB | 102620SocialistGlobalGovtWillEnforceTheMark.mp4 | 10/26/2020 22:51 |
413,317 KB | 102619sermon.mp4 | 10/27/2019 18:59 |
55,060 KB | 102617PopeWantsGlobalRuler4USA.mp4 | 10/27/2017 14:21 |
30,341 KB | 102517OneVerse7YRtrib.mp4 | 10/25/2017 18:04 |
27,761 KB | 102418SeeWhatYouTubeDid.mp4 | 10/24/2018 22:51 |
36,100 KB | 102317PopeClaims2B-God-Caesar.mp4 | 10/23/2017 17:37 |
48,741 KB | 102120PopeEndorsesHomosexualMarriage.mp4 | 10/21/2020 22:54 |
142,004 KB | 102119GretaWorksForRome.mp4 | 10/22/2019 23:17 |
88,451 KB | 102118PopeandChemtrails.mp4 | 10/21/2018 22:09 |
10,458 KB | 102114MarianCult.mp4 | 10/21/2014 23:35 |
37,204 KB | 102017Oct21PlanetX.mp4 | 10/20/2017 17:09 |
30,824 KB | 101916SDR-and-Korah.mp4 | 10/20/2016 21:35 |
20,728 KB | 101914MarryHomoORjail.mp4 | 10/19/2014 21:57 |
54,019 KB | 101817PastorSaysJesusLied.mp4 | 10/19/2017 10:29 |
33,514 KB | 101716UniversalJurisdiction.mp4 | 10/17/2016 15:16 |
151,192 KB | 101620TheComingConflict.mp4 | 10/18/2020 14:36 |
35,018 KB | 101618BibleProofAbortionIsMurder.mp4 | 10/17/2018 16:11 |
91,215 KB | 101617UNabortions.mp4 | 10/16/2017 23:59 |
16,637 KB | 101614ebolastaged.mp4 | 10/16/2014 17:27 |
26,369 KB | 101514TexasSermons.mp4 | 10/15/2014 19:20 |
783,725 KB | 101319-SERMON-TheEndIsNear.mp4 | 10/13/2019 21:06 |
165,853 KB | 101319EGWsaidPopeWillApologize.mp4 | 10/15/2019 22:16 |
86,274 KB | 101317VaticanKiddyPorn.mp4 | 10/15/2017 16:37 |
73,955 KB | 101218PopeBehindSwissHomophobia.mp4 | 10/14/2018 15:34 |
84,694 KB | 101117PopeRosaryOct13.mp4 | 10/12/2017 10:46 |
88,501 KB | 101017Oct23.mp4 | 10/10/2017 10:52 |
79,650 KB | 100919EGWpredicted501c3.mp4 | 10/10/2019 21:09 |
20,070 KB | 100915PopeSaidJesusFailed.mp4 | 10/09/2015 15:31 |
4,252 KB | 100914marburg.mp4 | 10/09/2014 14:21 |
17,641 KB | 100820HowToEnterNewChatRoom.mp4 | 10/08/2020 18:54 |
24,566 KB | 100818EzekielProphecy-DeadSeaAlive.mp4 | 10/08/2018 22:29 |
45,089 KB | 100720Mask-TO-Mark.mp4 | 10/07/2020 21:15 |
75,180 KB | 100718PopesPlansToAngerGod.mp4 | 10/07/2018 22:04 |
96,979 KB | 100617BibleTrainPanic.mp4 | 10/06/2017 19:09 |
11,496 KB | 100614ebolavaccine.mp4 | 10/06/2014 20:19 |
382,274 KB | 100420TimeToGetSerious.mp4 | 10/06/2020 18:36 |
43,205 KB | 100417HollywoodAttacksGunOwners.mp4 | 10/04/2017 17:45 |
123,387 KB | 100319WasEGWaProphet.mp4 | 10/06/2019 15:22 |
77,182 KB | 100318Hellfire.mp4 | 10/03/2018 22:29 |
54,684 KB | 0100317UNthirdPagangod.mp4 | 01/03/2018 22:52 |
57,709 KB | 100217VegasShooting.mp4 | 10/02/2017 16:47 |
74,891 KB | 092917PolandSundayLaws.mp4 | 09/30/2017 01:10 |
111,021 KB | 092718WhyIsEveryoneSoAngry.mp4 | 09/28/2018 18:06 |
169,443 KB | 092717Rosary2.mp4 | 09/28/2017 19:05 |
70,068 KB | 092717NWO.mp4 | 09/27/2017 15:29 |
138,212 KB | 092619PrepareToMeetThyGod.mp4 | 09/29/2019 22:33 |
26,432 KB | 092415Popes666HandSign.mp4 | 09/28/2015 22:20 |
39,414 KB | 092217WhatWillHappen923.mp4 | 09/22/2017 17:19 |
19,682 KB | 092214VaticanKoran.mp4 | 09/22/2014 21:11 |
5,372 KB | 092114WhyChristiansAreHated.mp4 | 09/21/2014 17:57 |
201,698 KB | 092019PopeSundayLawsClimateChange.mp4 | 09/22/2019 21:53 |
162,642 KB | 092018Purgatory.mp4 | 09/20/2018 23:01 |
91,804 KB | 091817SocialismOVERCaptialism.mp4 | 09/18/2017 19:25 |
50,256 KB | 091617Sept23andSatansUseofLies.mp4 | 09/16/2017 21:38 |
48,519 KB | 091517PopeSaysImStupid.mp4 | 09/15/2017 17:42 |
61,451 KB | 091418PopeAttacksChildMolestationVictims.mp4 | 09/14/2018 19:24 |
71,923 KB | 091416IslamMaryWorship.mp4 | 09/16/2016 19:27 |
111,957 KB | 091319USsenatorDeniesGodOnCamera.mp4 | 09/13/2019 19:34 |
21,525 KB | 091315Sultan666.mp4 | 09/17/2015 17:20 |
87,709 KB | 091218PopeSaysVaticanWhistlblowersAreEvil.mp4 | 09/13/2018 00:03 |
69,512 KB | 091117Sept23FalseProphets.mp4 | 09/11/2017 19:32 |
45,797 KB | 091017YTyankedBLM-KKKvideo.mp4 | 09/10/2017 11:25 |
27,187 KB | 091014PopeHatesFundies.mp4 | 09/10/2014 18:29 |
17,462 KB | 090915HillaryWorship.mp4 | 09/10/2015 16:30 |
67,189 KB | 090817JLawrenceBlamesTrumpForIrma.mp4 | 09/09/2017 22:46 |
25,837 KB | 090714JewsAcceptPope.mp4 | 09/07/2014 20:20 |
156,051 KB | 090319WhyYOUshouldPromoteTheOriginalWritings.mp4 | 09/04/2019 22:28 |
401,006 KB | 090218SERMON-BeNotAfraid2b.mp4 | 09/05/2018 00:03 |
31,874 KB | 090116GlobalWarmingaSin.mp4 | 09/04/2016 17:07 |
25,824 KB | 090114OsteenBlasphemy.mp4 | 09/01/2014 18:07 |
99,668 KB | 083018NunsKilledChildren.mp4 | 08/31/2018 19:12 |
170,901 KB | 083017BLM-KKK-BUS.mp4 | 08/30/2017 19:07 |
210,159 KB | 082919WhyIsSundayTheMark.mp4 | 08/30/2019 16:00 |
110,215 KB | 082717FlatEarth.mp4 | 08/27/2017 23:28 |
68,447 KB | 082620BLMattackingChristians.mp4 | 08/26/2020 22:18 |
182,603 KB | 082618China-FacebookScoringMARK.mp4 | 08/26/2018 14:38 |
34,525 KB | 082515SatanicAbortions.mp4 | 08/27/2015 15:26 |
96,883 KB | 082019TheKelloggFile.mp4 | 08/22/2019 15:07 |
77,240 KB | 081720SoonTheyWillBlameUsForTheirBoils.mp4 | 08/17/2020 23:27 |
109,112 KB | 081718VaticanCrimeSyndicate.mp4 | 08/18/2018 22:13 |
36,001 KB | 081714ebola2b.mp4 | 08/17/2014 21:12 |
35,237 KB | 081620GoogleCaughtFakingCovidNumbers.mp4 | 08/15/2020 23:04 |
66,056 KB | 081619MuslimsNowWorshipMary.mp4 | 08/18/2019 13:09 |
17,037 KB | 081617YouTubeCensoringAGAIN.mp4 | 08/16/2017 22:07 |
152,967 KB | 081515AsWeSeeTheDayApproaching.mp4 | 09/03/2015 18:37 |
188,447 KB | 081419SDApastorsMockGodOnCamera.mp4 | 08/15/2019 13:52 |
48,267 KB | 081318TrackingChristiansPart3.mp4 | 08/13/2018 20:55 |
5,981 KB | 081215AreYouReady.mp4 | 08/13/2015 17:40 |
173,757 KB | 080919SDAChangedGCtoTeachJesuitSecondComing.mp4 | 08/11/2019 23:12 |
148,517 KB | 080818TrackingChristiansPart2.mp4 | 08/10/2018 16:42 |
94,323 KB | 080620YouCannotBuyOrSellInCalifornia.mp4 | 08/06/2020 23:18 |
141,837 KB | 080618NIV-FakeBible.mp4 | 08/06/2018 23:54 |
16,936 KB | 080414ebola.mp4 | 08/04/2014 21:03 |
26,490 KB | 080315CarsonDeniesBible.mp4 | 08/06/2015 14:12 |
53,115 KB | 080217YouTubeCensoring.mp4 | 08/02/2017 19:43 |
70,478 KB | 073120Christian-AreYouReadyForWhatsComing.mp4 | 08/02/2020 21:09 |
40,733 KB | 073118VideoGame-KillTheBaby.mp4 | 07/31/2018 19:32 |
7,128 KB | 073114PopedeniesJesus.mp4 | 07/31/2014 15:39 |
215,860 KB | 072819JesuitsMakeCatholicCaseForCommunism.mp4 | 07/30/2019 16:35 |
15,577 KB | 072815ObamaHypocrite.mp4 | 07/30/2015 14:46 |
24,089 KB | 072715baphomet.mp4 | 07/27/2015 20:45 |
17,093 KB | 072617WomanonaBeast.mp4 | 07/27/2017 14:23 |
31,930 KB | 072416Trump-501c3.mp4 | 07/25/2016 21:30 |
46,592 KB | 072318GoogleProphets.mp4 | 07/23/2018 21:25 |
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56,265 KB | 072015PastorGotCaughtREDHANDED.mp4 | 07/23/2015 20:19 |
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98,890 KB | 071918Sunday-is-MARK.mp4 | 07/21/2018 11:45 |
60,433 KB | 071818RapturePrank.mp4 | 07/18/2018 16:10 |
23,617 KB | 071617PopesHospital.mp4 | 07/17/2017 09:16 |
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30,644 KB | 071317LadyGagaandRCC.mp4 | 07/15/2017 21:19 |
64,633 KB | 071217SainthoodPath.mp4 | 07/12/2017 20:46 |
160,513 KB | 071118RealReasonTheyTrackUs.mp4 | 07/12/2018 18:13 |
11,792 KB | 071014cashless.mp4 | 07/10/2014 22:04 |
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7,445 KB | 070816DallasShooting.mp4 | 07/08/2016 11:43 |
92,836 KB | 070719SdasNeedToGetThisBook.mp4 | 07/09/2019 22:45 |
100,753 KB | 070617HomoCardinal.mp4 | 07/09/2017 16:52 |
33,904 KB | 070516GlobalGovtPlansFastTracked.mp4 | 07/05/2016 21:16 |
101,477 KB | 070418PROOFsecretRaptureisaLIE.mp4 | 07/05/2018 18:12 |
101,415 KB | 070415PastorsHomoWed.mp4 | 07/16/2015 21:32 |
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166,754 KB | 062920WhyDougBatchelorPushingVaccinesForUSgovernment.mp4 | 07/01/2020 22:43 |
93,788 KB | 062918SavedFromGodsWrathCAM9.mp4 | 07/01/2018 22:04 |
15,714 KB | 062916VulgarPriestDancing.mp4 | 06/30/2016 21:09 |
50,439 KB | 062819SDAChangesChristianDoctrine.mp4 | 06/30/2019 20:23 |
38,123 KB | 062815OvercomeObama.mp4 | 06/28/2015 21:29 |
13,265 KB | 062716WillYouBeFedByGod.mp4 | 06/27/2016 22:18 |
46,661 KB | 062416DrToTreatPretendedSex.mp4 | 06/24/2016 18:13 |
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30,052 KB | 062118PriestSlapsBaby.mp4 | 06/21/2018 20:11 |
117,583 KB | 062019SDAremovedLoudCry-501c3FromGC.mp4 | 06/21/2019 18:54 |
36,889 KB | 062017ChristiansAreGodsAgents.mp4 | 06/21/2017 17:59 |
15,766 KB | 062016HeLovesKillingBabies.mp4 | 06/20/2016 21:46 |
42,933 KB | 061720RomanCatholicsDemandSundayLaws.mp4 | 06/17/2020 20:11 |
25,341 KB | 061616TheFalseCatholicSainthood.mp4 | 06/17/2016 19:30 |
109,821 KB | 061520TalkOfBeheadingsByProtesters.mp4 | 06/15/2020 21:08 |
34,844 KB | 061518DragQueenCartoons.mp4 | 06/15/2018 18:37 |
20,932 KB | 061514homo-flag.mp4 | 06/16/2014 00:04 |
23,029 KB | 061316USmuslimsSupportSharia.mp4 | 06/14/2016 12:54 |
88,296 KB | 061315GlobalWarm-GlobalGovt.mp4 | 06/18/2015 17:20 |
72,828 KB | 061120HolyFatherIsBlasphemous.mp4 | 06/12/2020 00:24 |
112,866 KB | 061117GoreSaysGodToldHimtoPushGlobalWarming.mp4 | 06/12/2017 18:32 |
76,262 KB | 060919SDAremovedANOTHERrebukeinGC.mp4 | 06/12/2019 16:35 |
43,115 KB | 060914IslamVictor.mp4 | 06/09/2014 22:23 |
64,148 KB | 060818ArizonaCourtForcingChrisytianstoViolateFaith.mp4 | 06/10/2018 12:46 |
56,513 KB | 060617CNNfakeNews4Muslims.mp4 | 06/06/2017 17:50 |
20,053 KB | 060516No2JesusYes2Allah.mp4 | 06/05/2016 22:24 |
37,660 KB | 060320GuillotinePuertoRicoBLM.mp4 | 06/03/2020 23:47 |
19,138 KB | 060216VaticanPedophiles.mp4 | 06/02/2016 21:18 |
163,217 KB | 060120ChristiansRejectFearMongeringRiots.mp4 | 06/02/2020 22:22 |
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11,637 KB | 053116TranquilizinganApe.mp4 | 05/31/2016 18:54 |
86,436 KB | 053019CatholicismWillBeLawinUSA.mp4 | 05/31/2019 19:42 |
6,776 KB | 053017KathyGriffenBeheadingTrump.mp4 | 05/30/2017 21:38 |
19,762 KB | 053016SisteroftheWhore.mp4 | 06/09/2016 23:08 |
7,140 KB | 053016Mercy4Harambe.mp4 | 05/30/2016 16:52 |
49,650 KB | 052918PaulRyanSaysUSAneedsCatholicism.mp4 | 05/29/2018 23:01 |
76,613 KB | 052819StopDefendingFalseSDAprophets.mp4 | 05/29/2019 19:32 |
35,767 KB | 052814Salute.mp4 | 05/28/2014 18:48 |
108,200 KB | 052720MaskLessWomanAttacked-NextChristians.mp4 | 05/28/2020 17:39 |
15,087 KB | 052715-QA-IsTheLawJewish.mp4 | 05/28/2015 20:28 |
5,820 KB | 052618HillaryClinton2.mp4 | 05/26/2015 17:05 |
61,751 KB | 052417TrumpMeets3BigReligions.mp4 | 05/25/2017 16:29 |
41,784 KB | 052318PopeisnowaProfessionalLiar.mp4 | 05/23/2018 22:46 |
97,688 KB | 052219SDAremovedWarninginTestimoniesVol8.mp4 | 05/23/2019 19:35 |
26,544 KB | 052117AtheistAmputee.mp4 | 05/23/2017 21:19 |
33,924 KB | 052018SDA-ProphesyingsEND.mp4 | 05/21/2018 18:41 |
57,486 KB | 051817AtheistTwistsBible.mp4 | 05/19/2017 14:47 |
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147,704 KB | 051320PleaseExplainThisPastor.mp4 | 05/14/2020 22:34 |
69,208 KB | 051318NunsTorture60Kids.mp4 | 05/13/2018 22:57 |
9,258 KB | 051215HomoMarriageNoah.mp4 | 05/14/2015 17:15 |
35,317 KB | 051118YouTube-BibleIsHateSpeech.mp4 | 05/11/2018 19:07 |
64,281 KB | 051017isit666or616.mp4 | 05/11/2017 21:27 |
37,694 KB | 050914ReadyingForSundayLaws.mp4 | 05/10/2014 01:05 |
49,457 KB | 050720SplittingUpFamiliesUsingContactTracing.mp4 | 05/07/2020 14:39 |
131,969 KB | 050519SDAchangesGC.mp4 | 05/07/2019 18:22 |
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44,454 KB | 050414SDAremnant.mp4 | 05/04/2014 14:52 |
24,634 KB | 050318MexicansBurnManAlive.mp4 | 05/03/2018 17:31 |
16,638 KB | 050214MayDay.mp4 | 05/02/2014 01:26 |
195,768 KB | 043020VaticanCantHideThis.mp4 | 05/01/2020 18:50 |
274,360 KB | 042819TedWilsonOKsAbortion.mp4 | 04/29/2019 22:21 |
12,323 KB | 042816FatherofLights.mp4 | 04/28/2016 23:36 |
56,717 KB | 042718AndTheySayThereisNoGod-ZebraFish.mp4 | 04/27/2018 14:06 |
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31,390 KB | 042315GlobalLeader.mp4 | 04/23/2015 20:11 |
54,224 KB | 042214JohnPaul2Sainthood.mp4 | 04/22/2014 23:52 |
67,031 KB | 042018CA2BAN-BIBLE.mp4 | 04/20/2018 15:31 |
23,828 KB | 042017JewsAllowWorkonSabbath.mp4 | 04/21/2017 12:38 |
13,388 KB | 041915Daniel12.4.mp4 | 04/20/2015 20:50 |
21,698 KB | 041818PopeLiedtoBoy.mp4 | 04/18/2018 13:54 |
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108,850 KB | 041218ZuckerbergNods.mp4 | 04/12/2018 15:56 |
59,769 KB | 040918Satanism-vs-Catholicism.mp4 | 04/09/2018 23:03 |
28,703 KB | 040817OrionNebula.mp4 | 04/09/2017 18:53 |
97,282 KB | 040719DavidGatesConfirmedFalseProphet.mp4 | 04/07/2019 20:35 |
11,767 KB | 040715Q-the144000.mp4 | 04/09/2015 17:38 |
33,090 KB | 040620WHO-WantsToSplitUpFamilies.mp4 | 04/07/2020 15:47 |
52,999 KB | 040614Church-State-SundayLaws.mp4 | 04/06/2014 23:49 |
30,176 KB | 040418PastorSeesJesus.mp4 | 04/03/2018 23:44 |
368,131 KB | 040319SundayLawsAREinThePipeline.mp4 | 04/04/2019 22:30 |
41,737 KB | 040118FakeNews.mp4 | 04/01/2018 16:41 |
11,610 KB | 033115Q-GodsLaw-vs-MosesLaw.mp4 | 04/02/2015 19:14 |
114,383 KB | 032920Covid19AuthoritiesCaughtLyingOnCamera.mp4 | 03/28/2020 23:47 |
90,778 KB | 032918PopesFakeChristians.mp4 | 03/29/2018 22:01 |
10,350 KB | 032917WillGodUseYou.mp4 | 03/30/2017 12:29 |
14,490 KB | 032816StatueWorship2.mp4 | 03/29/2016 21:19 |
11,749 KB | 032715SenatorAllen-SundayLaws.mp4 | 03/27/2015 12:22 |
210,717 KB | 032620Covid19GlobalCompliance.mp4 | 03/26/2020 22:23 |
87,282 KB | 032617LOGO666.mp4 | 03/28/2017 15:51 |
15,536 KB | 032614SundayLawsinObamacare.mp4 | 03/26/2014 18:41 |
179,171 KB | 032519SDApastorsCaughtLying.mp4 | 03/26/2019 23:13 |
46,824 KB | 032518PopeTellsTeensToDisobeyParents.mp4 | 03/26/2018 21:33 |
15,867 KB | 032416MuslimsARECatholics.mp4 | 03/25/2016 16:25 |
26,836 KB | 032415Q-IsGodShowingSignsToday.mp4 | 03/26/2015 18:29 |
22,513 KB | 032220SundayLawsInNewJersey.mp4 | 03/21/2020 21:18 |
84,882 KB | 032217SDAPrezApologytoPope.mp4 | 03/22/2017 21:36 |
15,154 KB | 032016MuslimBoy666.mp4 | 03/21/2016 20:39 |
98,625 KB | 031918CNNpromotesWorshipofPope.mp4 | 03/19/2018 23:29 |
73,818 KB | 031820Covid19PoliticalTheater.mp4 | 03/19/2020 18:38 |
88,291 KB | 031720RealReasonTheyWantYouToBeScared.mp4 | 03/17/2020 20:05 |
41,829 KB | 031614ufo.mp4 | 03/16/2014 23:37 |
49,220 KB | 031417SiberiaToLegalizeMurder.mp4 | 03/15/2017 16:14 |
74,370 KB | 031320CoronaVirusHypeGeorgiaGuidstonesMark.mp4 | 03/13/2020 18:31 |
93,379 KB | 031318SchwarzeneggerBeginsVaticanDeathPenaltyAgenda.mp4 | 03/14/2018 19:30 |
129,970 KB | 031119MediaUsingFakeChristiansToWeakenResitance.mp4 | 03/12/2019 14:16 |
48,675 KB | 030718ChildMolestationLegalInFrance.mp4 | 03/08/2018 13:55 |
126,700 KB | 030519RealReasonForClimateChange.mp4 | 03/07/2019 00:21 |
16,241 KB | 030415PoliceStateUSA.mp4 | 03/05/2015 19:18 |
104,989 KB | 022720PopesUseCatholicPeopleForPoliticalGain.mp4 | 02/28/2020 17:54 |
15,531 KB | 022515WWWregulated.mp4 | 02/25/2015 16:47 |
189,339 KB | 022419SDAtitheSENTtoPOPE.mp4 | 02/27/2019 19:22 |
76,230 KB | 022318ReligiousLawsComingtoUSA.mp4 | 02/25/2018 21:18 |
33,369 KB | 022317MindControl.mp4 | 02/23/2017 00:41 |
55,511 KB | 022118BillGrahamDiedFAKENEWS.mp4 | 02/21/2018 17:16 |
71,725 KB | 022019SDA-PopeAgree-OriginalSin.mp4 | 02/20/2019 20:23 |
113,757 KB | 021720GuillotineUsedAsCampaignLogo.mp4 | 02/18/2020 22:29 |
732,900 KB | 021620Islamic Antichrist.mp4 | 02/16/2020 00:10 |
34,349 KB | 021618MediaIgnoresCrucialFactorInFloridaSchoolShooting.mp4 | 02/16/2018 14:54 |
11,261 KB | 021616SDApantheism.mp4 | 02/18/2016 17:08 |
101,574 KB | 021517PeopleGetReady.mp4 | 02/18/2017 23:17 |
132,709 KB | 021319PopesOneWorldChurch.mp4 | 02/13/2019 18:50 |
127,702 KB | 021220AreYouReadyForThePlagues.mp4 | 02/13/2020 18:52 |
51,806 KB | 021218VaticanPraisesCommunistChurchFormat.mp4 | 02/12/2018 21:08 |
37,194 KB | 021115SDAsunday.mp4 | 02/12/2015 19:01 |
37,246 KB | 020718PopeCaughtLying.mp4 | 02/07/2018 19:48 |
82,031 KB | 020619SDApastorsMocktheLordinPrayer.mp4 | 02/06/2019 22:42 |
48,139 KB | 020518IsJesusKing.mp4 | 02/05/2018 20:25 |
33,236 KB | 020515InChristsName.mp4 | 02/05/2015 21:35 |
99,290 KB | 020420SDAchurchOfficiallySponsorsGamblingOnSabbath.mp4 | 02/05/2020 21:26 |
11,193 KB | 020315Islam-Nazis.mp4 | 02/03/2015 20:38 |
53,379 KB | 020218KeepLawtoGetSaved.mp4 | 02/03/2018 19:43 |
46,406 KB | 013118LeftCHurchWhatNow.mp4 | 01/31/2018 20:04 |
80,471 KB | 012919PopeTed.mp4 | 01/29/2019 22:17 |
126,773 KB | 012917BurningDustDevil.mp4 | 01/29/2017 19:06 |
20,572 KB | 012915USpassports.mp4 | 01/29/2015 15:53 |
467,377 KB | 012720SERMON-BlessedAssurance.mp4 | 01/26/2020 12:45 |
15,050 KB | 012716PriestHitsWoman.mp4 | 01/28/2016 19:24 |
63,468 KB | 012618VaticanExorcistsCallsForBackup.mp4 | 01/27/2018 19:13 |
56,389 KB | 012617VaticanControlsUSmedia.mp4 | 01/28/2017 22:27 |
11,642 KB | 012615NotReady.mp4 | 01/26/2015 19:50 |
12,386 KB | 012516PriestBeatsKids.mp4 | 01/25/2016 18:51 |
94,094 KB | 012420StepsToChrist.mp4 | 01/26/2020 22:45 |
50,270 KB | 012418FearKeepsYouOutofHeaven.mp4 | 01/24/2018 19:47 |
38,735 KB | 012218PopeLGBTnewsWebsite.mp4 | 01/22/2018 19:12 |
9,632 KB | 012215Senate-and-ClimateChange.mp4 | 01/22/2015 20:49 |
95,848 KB | 012120PopePaganismBiblical.mp4 | 01/21/2020 16:01 |
163,555 KB | 012119PopeSDA-SavedbyChurch.mp4 | 01/22/2019 20:42 |
96,279 KB | 011920PopeSanctionedAbortion.mp4 | 01/20/2020 23:52 |
69,572 KB | 011918ShouldSDApastorsStepDown.mp4 | 01/20/2018 21:12 |
12,312 KB | 011915SecretTexasMuslimMeeting.mp4 | 01/19/2015 15:24 |
60,486 KB | 011718PopeHonorsAbortionist.mp4 | 01/17/2018 16:02 |
80,394 KB | 011717VaticanSerpent.mp4 | 01/17/2017 22:10 |
116,972 KB | 011619PopeAndSDA-JesusReignsOnEarthAtSecondComing.mp4 | 01/16/2019 22:13 |
13,529 KB | 011615Carson.mp4 | 01/17/2015 21:45 |
35,250 KB | 011518WhatTypesofVideosDoYouNeed.mp4 | 01/15/2018 21:56 |
25,074 KB | 011515FreeSpeech.mp4 | 01/15/2015 18:27 |
23,522 KB | 011315ExtremistSummit.mp4 | 01/13/2015 18:37 |
77,185 KB | 011218PopeWorshipsCreatureOverCreator.mp4 | 01/13/2018 19:34 |
35,970 KB | 011018BoysBecomingDragQueens.mp4 | 01/10/2018 22:24 |
129,684 KB | 010919SDAsaysBibleImperfect.mp4 | 01/11/2019 18:43 |
64,551 KB | 010720PopeSaysOnlyHeCanDefineScripture.mp4 | 01/08/2020 21:04 |
194,946 KB | 010619NoMoreDespairYoureForgivem.wmv | 01/08/2019 15:26 |
43,220 KB | 010518UN-SectyGenNWO.mp4 | 01/05/2018 16:13 |
15,261 KB | 010515CageMatchPastors.mp4 | 01/05/2015 18:03 |
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115,709 KB | 010219CardinalsinSDAchurch.mp4 | 01/03/2019 17:51 |
32,842 KB | 010118CanYouThankGodforThatMeal.mp4 | 01/01/2018 18:37 |
38,273 KB | 2030 in Prophetic Detail.mp4 | 05/24/2023 12:45 |
23,584 KB | 2017 Eclipse & Flat Earth.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:50 |
29,423 KB | 01818TrudeauCaughtWithIslam-hoax.mp4 | 01/08/2018 17:51 |
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12,239 KB | 501c3 Pastors & Sunday Laws.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:45 |
24,739 KB | 40% of USA Prefers Socialism!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:49 |
289,762 KB | 12-29-18 SDR Study Sermon - Sanctuary Q&A Sabbath.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:11 |
447,008 KB | 12-22-18 SDR Study Sermon - Sanctuary Is Christmas Christian.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:19 |
103,923 KB | 12-15-18 SDR Study Sermon - Sanctuary The Two Worshipers.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:08 |
263,372 KB | 12-08-18 SDR Study Sermon - Sanctuary Global Warming of Pope.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:16 |
412,662 KB | 12-01-18 SDR Study & Sermon - Sanctuary Testimony Sabbath.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:16 |
203,704 KB | 11-24-18 SDR Study & Sermon - Sanctuary Q&A Sabbath.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:18 |
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33,913 KB | 7 year trib & secret rapture theory BUSTED!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 18:25 |
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485,539 KB | 03-16-19 SDR - study - Sanctuary sermon - Pope is ANTICHRIST part3.mp4 | 05/24/2023 16:34 |
266,206 KB | 03-09-19 SDR - study - Sanctuary sermon - Pope is ANTICHRIST part2.mp4 | 05/24/2023 16:39 |
1,078,328 KB | 03-02-19 SDR - study - Sanctuary sermon - Testimony Sabbath.mp4 | 05/24/2023 16:57 |
705,373 KB | 02-23-19 SDR - study - Sanctuary sermon - Q&A Sabbath.mp4 | 05/24/2023 16:59 |
427,330 KB | 02-16-19 SDR - study - Sanctuary sermon - Pope is ANTICHRIST part 1.mp4 | 05/24/2023 16:47 |
593,622 KB | 02-09-19 SDR Study Sermon - Sanctuary End Time Harvest.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:03 |
434,147 KB | 02-02-19 SDR Study Sermon - Sanctuary Testimony Sabbath.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:05 |
38,119 KB | 1 Million to pray Rosary on Polish Border.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:48 |
184,356 KB | 01-26-19 SDR Study Sermon - Sanctuary Q&A Sabbath.mp4 | 05/24/2023 16:51 |
194,213 KB | 01-19-19 SDR Study Sermon - Sanctuary Communion.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:03 |
288,047 KB | 01-12-19 SDR Study Sermon - Sanctuary Eph 511, SDA & Love.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:07 |
846,937 KB | 01-05-19 SDR Study Sermon - Sanctuary Testimony Sabbath.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:38 |
12,234 KB | $5,000 for ONE KJV Bible verse!.mp4 | 05/24/2023 17:46 |